By Dwight E. Watson

Watson’s writing appears in several anthologies and journals. A professor of theater, “Science and the Stage” is one of his favorite seminar topics. He currently holds the title of the LaFollette Distinguished Professor in the Humanities at Wabash College.


Scene. An empty lecture hall, stage, or an open space. RACHEL, a scientist researching the impact of bisphenol A on Bantam chickens, has entered a science competition requiring her to act out her research topic in pantomime. Enlisting the help of a friend, CARLSON, to help her with the “dance” performance, CARLSON’S reluctance is countered by RACHEL’s enthusiasm for the competition. RACHEL: (pointing to the script) Just read it. CARLSON: (in disbelief) Why did I let you talk me into this? RACHEL: (insisting) Read it. CARLSON: I’m not even sure I understand what it means. RACHEL: (confidently) It resonates. It’s…