GMO. Wait. Slow. Are there enough tests on you I just don’t know. Yo (Haiku by Azar) – – – – – Am I Everywhere? (by David Ng) Help, I need a Vaccine! (or H.I.V. for Short) (by Anupam Singhal) Research Fraud: Trust and Money (by Ben Montpetit) The Biotech Game of Life (by Kaan Biron, Stephanie Cheung, Arthur Kwan, Mei Mei Tian, Jane Wang, and Sara Wilcox) A Manifesto (by Patrick Francis)
The Science Creative Quarterly
From weeklong
There once was a scientist named Wallace Who knew just what fate would befall us We’d hit selection’s locked door And like all others before Into a museum our descendants would install us. (With apologies to Darwin, “Wallace” is much easier to rhyme — Kelvin Walker) – – – – – Evolution (by David H. Thomas) Cow: A Story (by Carolyn Beckman) Which Came First? (by Richard Harter) A Misplaced Chapter from the Book of Genesis (by Vince LiCata) Limulus and Charlie (by Jim Ruland)