The study of cognition and theory of mind is an emerging field of science that receives its inputs from psychology, neuroscience and behavioural biology. Children are known to develop a theory of mind around the age of three to four years, and many experiments have been conducted to test this development in young children, and test the apparent absence of theory of mind in toddlers. If you know that I know something, you are said to have cognition, while if you know that I do not know something, you would have a theory of mind. Sounds fuzzy? An illustration might…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Anindita Bhadra
Anindita is an ethologist and has been studying politics in a primitive wasp society for her PhD. Now beginning her own research on stray dogs, she is interested in animal behaviour, evolution, and ecology in the lab. She is also an active theatre person, and is prone to dividing her thoughts and time between science, writing, theatre, dance, painting and graphics, books and her family. She is a proud mother of a highly imaginative two-year old boy.