The issue of whether the toilet seat should be left up or down after use seemingly generates a lot of passion among the parties concerned, however, scientific inquiries into the matter are almost non-existent. Notable exceptions are Choi (2002) and Harter (2005). Choi (2002) argues that the rule of leaving the toilet seat down after use is inefficient in the sense that there is at least one other rule that outperform this rule. The unit of analysis in Choi (2002) is the household and the efficient rule is defined as one that minimizes the total cost of toilet seat operations…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Hammad Siddiqi
Hammad Siddiqi is an economist. He is associated with the department of economics at Lahore University of Management Sciences. Most of his time is spent on serious academic writings for fellow economists. However, at times, he writes for general audience with an objective of raising their interest in economics. He is an economic imperialist at heart, believing that economics is a study of how people make decisions, be they as serious as launching a nuclear strike or as trivial as the decision of leaving the toilet seat down.