By jamesjohnson

J. Johnson is a musician and composer in Boston, Massachuetts. His work cuts across a variety of styles, including rock, jazz, Gospel, neoclassical and electronica. Mr. Johnson spent 10 years as the Music Director of the Theodore Parker Church, UU of West Roxbury, Mass., where he composed and performed original music for services. He studied modern composition at the Berklee College of Music with Herb Pomeroy, Ken Pullig, and Michael Gibbs, and subsequently went on to study privately with Charlie Banacos.


(To listen to mp3 file, please click here – 9.7Mb) I based the composition upon a tonal row consisting of six diatonic notes, using familiar serial composition techniques which allow only strict variations of the tone row (direct, retrograde, inversion, and retrograde inversion). The composition was originally scored as a twelve-bar, twelve voice sketch in the Finale program, then exported via MIDI to Reason 2.5, where the various rowforms were cut, pasted and fed to synthesizers for arrangement and manipulation. The only instrumental exception to this scheme is that I allowed myself the luxury of importing a finger cymbal sample,…