In recent decades, the search for alternative energies has become increasingly important to the average citizen. Whether it’s due to concerns for the environment or worries about shortages in fuel or rising prices, most people agree that other options need to be found. Considering the amazing amount of energy that is showered down upon us everyday from the sun, it’s no wonder that a lot of research and development is focused on improving our capabilities of capturing this source for electricity generation. As a major bonus solar power is also a renewable energy source that produces no polluting emissions or…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Jennifer Puddicombe
Jennifer Puddicombe is a UBC grad who is currently a student in the Genetics Technology Program at the Michener Institute, Toronto. In her free time she enjoys pursuing outdoor activities, photography, and learning new things. On a recent road trip across North America, Jennifer’s best friend thought she was a bit strange when she got very excited about coming across an ethanol fuel factory for the first time (and yes, she just had to stop to take some pictures of it).