Introduction The last half of the 20th century has witnessed enormous breakthroughs in the life sciences. We have found a way to eradicate polio and smallpox, developed the means to transplant a fully-functional artificial heart, engineered CT scan technology that can peer into the human body, and sequenced the entire human genome (essentially the blueprint of life) just to name a few. These and countless other advancements, some would argue, are nothing short of miracles; miracles that have immensely transformed our quality of life as well as the society we live in. More and more people are beginning to believe…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By peterli
Peter Li is working towards two hopelessly unrelated majors (Cell Biology and English Literature) at the University of British Columbia. When not grappling with the identity crisis that is his undergraduate coursework, Peter enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, Golf, and other sports that, well, let's face it, aren't real sports.