Aw heck, it’s nearly Labour Day, so let’s just call this lovely man the Hot Science-y Guy of the Summer and be done with it. Now I doubt if he’s going to include that on his updated résumé, but one thing I am willing to bet on is that Kaysar Ridha would prefer not to be remembered as The Guy Who Took His Finger Off the Button on Big Brother 6 TM; therefore I am not even going to mention the fact that he’s the guy who…well, let’s just say the end of the season came tragically early for the feed junkies viewers who voted His Royal Decency back into the Big Brother House of Mental Freaks, only to see his fresh, juicy brain evicted for a second time before he’d even had a chance to unpack. Personally, I’m glad he and his lethal handsomosity have been shown the door on that silly show; now millions of women people can get back to their jobs and deadlines. It’s all fun and games until some poor Canadian girl (stop looking at me like that) loses an entire short-lived summer being “entertained” by caged strangers.
Oh, right. The science-y part. Here it is: Mr. Ridha’s BB6 profile says he’s currently a graphic designer, but a little web-stalking sleuthing uncovers a background in biological sciences. Here’s hoping he might just expand on that knowledge and discover what it takes to clone himself, because if he’s selling, I’m pre-ordering. The world needs more Kaysar Ridhas. Lots more. And for all the rest of you hookah-smoking, chess players out there, you can come out of the basement; you’re hotter than you think.