The SCQ is finally pleased to announce a print version of its innards, which will henceforth be referred to as the Annals of Praetachoral Mechanics. The name, of course, is a playful attempt at latinizing the inherent goal of the SCQ – which is to say that it provides science writing and reading options for audiences outside of the conventional science consuming circles. Or put another way, individuals who are praeta (outside) the choral (choir).

The hope is that we will be able to published this tome or work once a year, usually around wintertime, and in a revenue neutral manner (i.e. one only pays for the printing and the shipping entailed).

Furthermore, we have been having much joy over the different ways we can format this endeavour, all with the intention that folks will summarily impressed and confused when the book is in their hands.

And so, we propose the following: let us organized the writing in such a way as to highlight a collection of our favourite SCQ pieces published in the last year (or longer as this first volume may be),.. but then invite the reader to flip the book upside down, and then turn it around, so that viola! It becomes a formal scientific publication showcasing our ongoing fantastical but seriously technical journal articles. These, our most loyal readers will know, are usually thematic in nature. For instance, in the case of our first volume, they happen to all pertain to Wookiee related science.

In any event, this is the plan. To whet your appetite, we are happy to present (below) a few renditions of possible covers – the beauty of which, we admit, was made possible by the marvellous work of Fortis Varthis:


Note that if you would like to entertain the idea of having your work included in this illustrious first volume, do please browse through our submission’s guidelines, and then submit your good work to db at mail dot ubc dot ca (subject heading: SCQ submission). All pieces published before September 15th will be deemed eligible for inclusion, whilst those thereafter will be considered for volume 2.