Basically, an almost last call for entries. And to reiterate, a humour piece is needed, plus (plus) additional captions can be supplied if you want to take a chance at modifying your score for better or for worse. Also, note that the prize rocks! (full details below)
The Science Creative Quarterly seeks science humour pieces for entry into our awesome new contest. Judging will be based on a number of criteria that can be annotated as follows:

Briefly, final Score (FS) is equal to the the base score of the humour piece submitted (S), times a number (n) of modifiers (fs) which are dependant on captions provided, and their humour level. Note that captions may be submitted separately even at multiple dates after initial humour submission. Number of captions provided by author is flexible but can be no more than 1 for each image (a maximum of 17) – image sources from here.

In other words, if we state that the maximum base score is 10, and an author is also able to present 17 “very funny” (as determined by a laugh/gag reflex) captions, the following maximum score is possible:

However, 17 unfunny captions would negatively impact and result in the following possible score:

Submissions and captions should be sent to tscq@interchange.ubc.ca, subject heading “MATH.” Contest deadline is March 31st, 2007, and entries may be published in the interim. The winner will be announced during the first week of April, 2007 and will take home whatever happens to be the latest model in the video iPod category or a gift account of equal value at Amazon.com (winner’s choice).