Evolution is what we say
My my, we must try
For ID is a silly lie”
Early in human history, a great divide occurred. Some – we mean writers – began writing hieroglyphs and posting stories on their websites. Others – we mean scientists – began making ruthless observations about the world. Inevitably, the writers and the scientists grew apart, and now we have the poet vs. the physicist; the blogger vs. the biologist. It is true that the divide between science and the arts runs deep, but we hope to do our part to bridge that gap. However, we realize that this is no easy task, and are aware that it may take at least a couple of weeks to fully reunite the sciences and the arts. In truth, there are pessimists among us who suggest a time scale closer to a full month.
We think that there are many ways to bring science and literature together. For example one might write stories about Albert Einstein or a molecule; compose poetry on a myriad of elegant observations. We could also try to write using some scientific pattern for device. For example the Science Creative Quarterly may invite stories that have even numbers playing a pivotal role. In this example, we would revel in stories that focused on love squares, but not love triangles. Overall, we would love to see scientific ideas providing some backbone to the creative piece, and we want to offer this constraint as a gift to you.
So how’s about this…
The Science Creative Quarterly is currently seeking creative pieces which show the evolution of a character [1]. But get this – evolution means many things to many people. For example a story could be modeled on S.J. Gould’s punctuated equilibrium. Imagine a plot with great and rapid change from one stage of existence to the next. Doesn’t that make you tingle? Besides, you probably have been meaning to write a story along that line for some time[2].
In any event, Darwin, Dawkin or our friend Louie would also work and also stand a good chance of getting past our intern – perhaps even our head editor. We, of course, will strive to showcase only the good, realizing that our readers are highly literate, shrewd and, I’m pretty sure, the folks who came up with the whole idea of evolution in the first place.
1. This idea is kind of inspired by a group of brilliant writers who constitute a group of writers known as Oulipo. They came up with models of literature based on constraints, many of a mathematical nature. You should Google Oulipo.
2. For fun, let’s also say that you have until November 28th, 2005 to submit your story. Winner wins a hardcopy copy of Stephen Jay Gould’s “The Structure of Evolutionary Theory” a book that is sure to impress the science and non-science savy, if only because it is over fourteen hundred pages long and weighs only a little less than a newborn baby.