By Charliehatton

Charlie Hatton is a Boston area humor writer and aspiring standup comedian. His day job as a computer programmer involves a lot of sitting in a cubicle, very little humor, and almost nothing to do with his degree in Molecular Biology. When he`s not slaving away at code, sleeping through staff meetings, or needlessly referring to himself in the third person, Charlie can usually be found writing articles for publication, or for his own ticklement at Where the Hell Was I? (


– FROM THE ARCHIVE – It’s that time of year again, when pie-eyed romantics are wont to wax rhapsodic about the nature, the essence, and the mystery of love. With gilded tongues and dubious poetic license, they fling around flawed analogies and sweeping generalizations like Cupid’s arrows from a rapid-fire crossbow. And anyone with a heart beating within his or her chest is supposed to swell and swoon at the sweet dulcet tones of these tearjerking truisms. I say, ‘Hogwash’. I’m a lover (not a fighter) — but I have a brain nearly as big as my heart, but nowhere…


It’s that time of year again, when pie-eyed romantics are wont to wax rhapsodic about the nature, the essence, and the mystery of love. With gilded tongues and dubious poetic license, they fling around flawed analogies and sweeping generalizations like Cupid’s arrows from a rapid-fire crossbow. And anyone with a heart beating within his or her chest is supposed to swell and swoon at the sweet dulcet tones of these tearjerking truisms. I say, ‘Hogwash’. I’m a lover (not a fighter) — but I have a brain nearly as big as my heart, but nowhere near as mushy. I don’t…