1. Introduction: Perhaps one of the most profound problems of philosophy is the age-old question of why we exist- here, on Earth, in the short time period which has been allotted to humankind. It probably concerned our prehistoric ancestors: we know it has occupied philosophers from at least the time of Aristotle to the present. Although many answers have been proposed, they seem little closer to a universally accepted truth than are the musings of the average person who gazes awestruck at the night sky. It now seems possible that a combination of the Gaia hypothesis (possibly as the “Intelligent…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Sifford Pearre
Sifford Pearre is a retired biological oceanographer from the right coast. While active his two main areas of interest were diel (formerly “diurnal”) vertical migration (“DVM”) of aquatic organisms and trophic (diet) niche breadths of all kinds of things. As a retiree he feels entitled to speculate on what are euphemistically referred to as the “big questions”. Someone very important once said that in youth one should be a scientist (I believe the original said “mathematician”), then when too feeble for that, a philosopher, and at the last stage, a politician. Sifford has yet to run for any office.