Over at the World’s Fair, we started on a little blogging experiment. It is sort of a blogging carnival, but one that revolves around a mystery. In any event, all clues for the first puzzle are now available, and we would like the Science Creative Quarterly readers to partake. We’ll leave this up for a week or so, but here is the last entry reprinted below:
“Here presented is the final clue in our little experiment. It being the start of a story, a novel to be precise. In fact, we’re getting tingles just thinking how lovely it all comes together, and the challenge, of course, is to see whether you can break our mystery. We will present the answer soon enough – maybe next week, the week after that, or maybe because it’s always one of those two weeks, we’ll deliberately wait until the third.
If you have the answer, or any answer (and we’ve seen brilliance in those before [1,2]), please say so in the comments at the World’s Fair. Or better yet, post something. We’ll link to it, actually, we’ll link to all of them. Also, if you like that sort of thing, answers will guide this novel which, to be sure, will be followed up – until we are all bored of it anyway.
By the way, the fastest, best, most complete (that is, correct) answer will prompt an interview between Ben, myself and the answeree (if there is such a word) on any scientific topic the winner chooses. Which, if it is good (really good), we’ll put up at the Science Creative Quarterly.
Anyway, enough banter, here is the final clue:

The fourth clue was a video (Quicktime required).
The first three were pictures (bigger versions are available on the sidebar at the World’s Fair).

(if you do compose a post, then please forward the URL to tscq@interchange.ubc.ca, subject heading: puzzle).“