In case you missed it, yesterday was our one year birthday and as such our thoughts are now more seriously directed towards our print edition. Here is what we are thinking:
We don’t want to actually make money out of this, because when you do, things get significantly more complicated. They become high maintenance so to speak – with taxation, copyright and distribution logistics to worry about. Although some view us as a literary endeavour, we are in truth a covert educational project designed primarily to get non-scientists to immerse themselves a little more into this science thing. This, we think is working, at least if you use our contributor lists as a gauge.
With the “not worrying about money” baseline in mind, we seem to be left with two options. They are: (1) get a bonafide publisher to worry about such matters for us, and distribute the journal via the standard publishing routes, or (2) rely on third party online self printing/publishing services (like Lulu or Cafepress), which allow you to send in the “finished” product in electronic form and then sit back whilst computer fairies and gnomes produce physical books based on online requests to purchase. To avoid the money stuff, we simply add zero dollars on top of the base fee charged by said service.
To be honest, we’re not sure which is best.
(1) seems to gain us more clout and a wider distribution, and appears doable, because in a surreal but fortuitous twist of fate, we have been proposition by a variety of agents and publishers over the last year.
(2) seems to be more fun and likely much quicker, primarily because we, ourselves, get to design things like this:

As well, we can ask our readers to participate by choosing their favourites from the past year. For example, we can also ask our readers for suggestions on two quotes to grace the cover of the book – one profound, one not so much – to be sent to, subject heading: quote.
Anyway, like a lot of things in the sciences, it’s all about the data you get back and the sample size recieved, so send us a few quotes, tell us your favourite pieces from the past year, and let us know what you think in general about this book business.
Dave Ng
P.S. If you are confused about the duck, it’s because of this.
P.P.S. The awesome painting of the duck is by our very own Arthur Kwan – rocks eh?